saving lives from 
contaminated blood since 2004 
Helpline 07958 558510

What is the Danger

What is the Danger of these Viruses Hepatitis B and C

Both Hepatitis B and C are often silently acquired meaning 90% of people who catch them do not know.  Both viruses are very often caught in the past from healthcare, contaminated blood has infected some 100 million plus with Hepatitis C worldwide, contaminated blood products, Dialysis, Transplants and medical equipment some 60 million more.  With Hepatitis B being ten times more infectious than Hepatitis C its numbers of infections from healthcare reach into the hundreds of millions worldwide.

Compounding this danger, both viruses are silent in the way they harm people, many have no symptoms for decades then suddenly present with end stage liver disease or liver cancer. Liver Cancer tragically is a cancer with the poorest survival rate of them all, this is why the undiagnosed nature of the UK Hepatitis C whole blood contamination infections is so very dangerous.

We are are in an era where we have had an excellent test for Hepatitis C and B for decades there is no excuse for hiding these infections and not testing our older population at risk, it costs just £3 to test and £100,000 for a liver transplant. We are in an era when Hepatitis C can be cured quickly and Hepatitis B can be treated effectively.

It is time to end the tragedy of people dying due to ignorance of their Hepatitis Healthcare Risks. 

Why do so many people have undiagnosed hepatitis? 
The problem with hepatitis b is its mainly caught by children, and the problem with transfusion hepatitis c it is usually unrecognisable. Patients are unconscious for 53% of transfusions, the blood products are also often in unrecognisable formats, plasma is yellow bag. processes is opaque, stitches are internal, immune boosts don't sound or look like blood. The vast majority of UK infected don't know they have hepatitis or that they have run a risk of contracting it.

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