saving lives from 
contaminated blood since 2004 
Helpline 07958 558510

Hepatitis B and C are common in the UK now, UK citizens are testing 3.5% positive in NHS venues since 2000

Across the United Kingdom citizens attending our hospitals and GP Practices are now testing 3 to 4% hepatitis b and c infected.  This boom has been motored by the worlds health services being infectious until 1992 in the West and until  about 2000 in Africa and Asia for these hepatitis blood viruses.  This website is dedicated to explaining the risks and the care needed to solve this crises.

Get Tested if you have had NHS Surgery before 1992 or overseas healthcare injections or transfusions 

People who have had surgery in the UK before 1992 simply do not not know if they have hepatitis c unless they are tested.  The admitted risk was 1 in 55 transfusions  across the EU had Hepatitis C in them until 1992.  For citizens originating from Africa or Asia the risk is often much higher. 1 in 4 humans on Earth have had Hepatitis B or C at some point, so a test is the only effective way to be safe.
This site is about one thing. 
Why have we not tested our pre 1992 transfusion, dialysis and blood product patients for hepatitis c? When most developed countries have tested between 50% and 70% of them.  We admit much the same hep c prevalence levels, and using local prison blood as a mainstay of our supply, but have been internationally 90% ineffective at simple screening for nearly 30 years, WHY?
Globally the Stop Caution Get Tested WHO Campaign, has saved millions of healthcare hepatitis c infected patients since 1993, except here. 
The NHS has published medical articles admitting 1 in 39 transfusions before 1985 were infectious, it admits dialysis was 1 in 8 infectious and that many of it's blood products were infectious, some up to 100%. 

Common sense prevalencing of these infection rates for lawyers, a system used legally everywhere but here, reveals about 250,000 NHS infections of Hepatitis C from the blood supply up until 1993. Our health service freely admits contaminated blood in the supply, mainly from UK prisons, is the biggest disaster in its history. Yet the list of exact risks from healthcare and the exact advice to get your test quick, is still not seen, or in any way penetrating the national consciousness. 

The NHS have yet to say Super bug, about the planets biggest Super bug. If Hovis served 1 in 39 loaves until 1993 full of hepatitis c, if its rolls were 1 in 8 hepatitis c and all its cakes were 100% infected. It would be their duty to warn and screen/test us afterwards wouldn't it? 
The NHS admits being a "slow adopter" on shutting down the prison blood supply in 1985. But the NHS is still the poorest tester by far, of patients in the Western World. Their death rate can triple because of that. We have to change that. But we will need to test 10 to 20 times more, about 1 to 2 million people a year, like every other developed nation, if we are to do that.

Current testing is a pitiful 200,000 people a year, mainly Injecting drug user infections only. There are at least 15 million people who have run a healthcare risk in the UK. One in 40 people on the planet have already had healthcare hepatitis c and the NHS is simply not telling us the exact nature of the risk. Or that lack of testing features in most of the 10% death rate.

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