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What Crime Silence?

What Crime Silence?

In 1990 British Justice ruled it was negligent for the NBS to supply HCV infected blood after 1990 and settled out of court HIV cases and rushed to destroy all transfusion hepatitis evidence. Then the NHS decided to lookback only as far as 1990-1993 for infectious donors. They simply never took responsibility for warning patients they infected before that. Common sense HCV contaminated blood prevalencing for lawyers found 90,000 Canadian infections, 300,000 French infections and 150,000 annual US infections. We got the ludicrous report of 1,400 a year. 

Then a deadly silence as hundreds of thousands of innocent victims were left to die as soon as possible.

Is it common sense to believe the NHS performed 6 times better than the EU Average on Transfusion Hepatitis C? On a Hygiene Super bug Issue? Whilst they have lost documents, global test warnings and the WHO guidelines. They have even lost a death rate and thousands of already diagnosed nona nonb patients. They lost a court case and have concentrated on not losing anymore.

The Spin Kills

How can we still be pretending that the level of HCV among donors in September 1991 in any way related the level of HCV in transfusions in the Seventies and Eighties? By 1991 anyone with a history of blood transfusion or Injecting Drugs (90% of the infected) had been rigorously excluded from donating and just occasionally whenever they are asked they trot out a fatally flawed assumption “Oh 1 in 2000 units were infectious in 1991.”

The Silence Kills 

We are still experiencing a deadly silence about the fact 200 million humans have had transfusion hepatitis C. We have pretended that 250,000 people do not have Hepatitis C from NHS transfusions even while our NHS venues are testing 1% HCV positive!
Lord Owen said: "The issues we were dealing with were extremely important and you suddenly find that during a 10-year role, ministerial (blood transfusion hygiene) papers can be pulped." While he was against conspiracy theories, "the more you look at this, the more you look at the question in France [where there was a major scandal over the use of contaminated blood for transfusions], the more you begin to see people who were fearful of a legal process going on in this country.
Paul Desmond says, “The Blood Service's defence in 1993 was that the transfusion risk was common knowledge, and an unavoidable and publicly known risk in the seventies and eighties, so they are not liable.” I wish they would do something amazing and put that useful fact on their web page, and TV advert offer screening as in most developed nations.

The silence is also a deadly threat to 15 million migrants from areas far more affected by Transfusion Hepatitis

Imagine We screen and monitor birds for bird flu, cats and dogs for bugs, we watch out for insects and even things that hurt plants. We have billion pound border controls and a 100 billion a year health service. 
Yet we know one in 12 people on the planet has had a silent viral hepatitis infection and have invited millions of people to the UK and hidden the education/need for them to get tested. The Healthcare Hepatitis Maps and access to testing. We have invited Americans and Italians, people from high prevalence countries to work here. People from Europe, Africa and Asia, all in desperate need of the truth about hepatitis c and contaminated blood. The Truth should be saving lives here. On our Healthcare walls and educating at our borders and schools.  
Naturally our GP's minus any maps or risk information have failed utterly to diagnose some 770,000 long term HCV and HBV infected in our midst.

Truly we ask What Crime Silence?

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