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contaminated blood since 2004 
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Failed Inquiries

Failed Inquiries

in the UK we have had two pathetic whitewash Inquiries in the Contaminated Blood Issue, namely Lord Archer's and Lord Penrose's, both refused advice from us and refused to allow into the UK the experts that prevalenced for the World Health Organisation how healthcare had infected 2% of the people on Earth.  Both focussed almost exclusively on the 4000 infections happening to hemophiliacs and failed to notice the 300,000 infections happening via transfusion and other routes.  Both rubber stamped the notion that the blood supply was 1 in 2000 infectious for hepatitis c.  In their defense  neither Lord had any real co operation from the NHS or "in the dock" prosecution powers enjoyed by other national Inquiries overseas.

A decade before our Archer Whitewash spent its £150,000 to pretend perhaps 12,000 people contracted HCV from the NHS.  Justice Krever in a proper Court of Law in Canada  had found 28,600 easy to prevent compensation worthy HCV infections from the tiny period from 1986 to 1990 in Canada see below.

November 1997: 
Krever Commission report is released. He comes down hard on the Red Cross and the federal and provincial governments for ignoring warnings and acting irresponsibly as HIV and hepatitis C transmissions continued. Krever recommends compensation for "all blood-injured persons." He estimates that 85 per cent of the approximately 28,600 hepatitis C infections from the blood supply from 1986 to 1990 could have been avoided. 

This process is mirrored in every other nation, where quickly and logically the risks of Hepatitis C from transfusions was added up and the numbers to be found via testing counted.  By 1999 the World Health Organisation had even produced a fairly detailed global atlas of where the 200 million contaminated blood infections are in the world nation by nation.

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