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contaminated blood since 2004 
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The UK's Response versus the rest of the world

The UK's Contaminated Blood Response in a Global Context

Just a few contrasts highlight the magnitude of the disservice done to victims of Contaminated Blood

Below is a snap shot of 14 contrasts in care globally suffered by victims from 1989  
  1. US noted 150,000 infections from transfusions in 1994 yet the UK denies a blood threat and even haemophiliacs begin an agonising journey to get a proper response 
  2. The World looks back and warns the at risk from 1993 England abandons all non a non b patient files in 1993 for years
  3. Canada does $1.2 billion in compensation and writes to every patient in 1997. In 1997 the UK "invents" hep c is new and does a “Wait & See” Policy
  4. America plans billions for 200,000 deaths in the next decade. The UK expects a few hundred deaths, its strategy states low testing means “some people will die” in 2004
  5. EU issues nationwide testing campaigns from 1992 to 2017. England have to wait until 2002 for a Hepatitis C Trust and 2004 for a Hepatitis B Trust to begin some publicity.
  6. The EU admits to a continent wide 0.45% contaminated with Hepatitis C transfusion blood risk, the UK have a tiny team behind closed doors ignore numerous patient groups testing 2% Hepatitis C positive and invent a construct that just 0.05% of units may have been infectious here.
  7. The US goes through its transfusion records and looks back to write to every patient to get tested from 1994, the UK sets about destroying its entire transfusion record.
  8. France has a campaign job place a bomb under a Minister car and legally prosecutes politicians concerned, the UK decides to destroy all the political files related to Hepatitis C and Lord Owen Secretary of State for Health has his entire cache of Ministerial notes broken into and destroyed also.
  9. Tattoo Warnings and medical studies happen in France, Ausralia and the US in 2001. England has no information or test kits for tattooists until 2014.
  10. US Campaign to Amber Alert Hospitals using Prison blood in 1998. From 1989-2017 the UK has barely a person aware that its blood mainstay was its prisons.
  11. WHO release global epidemic death certificate procedures for hepatitis c fatalities in 1999, in the UK death toll figures make Hepatitis C 4 times less deadly per head than anywhere else on Earth
  12. Europe and North America aim for higher visibility than Aids for transfusion hepatitis from 1997 while in the UK we finally in 2005 get a first Hepatitis C Campaign called Faceit which AVOIDS patient testing and targets the 90% of Hepatitis C for Heroin Addicts.  
  13. China plans 50 million tests in 5 years from 2000 yet in 2017 the UK has no hospital or GP warning posters and the WHO Infection Atlases are still unused.
  14. Justice Krever in Canada notes 28,000 Canadians were infected with Hepatitis C contaminated blood from 1986 to 1990, in the UK a small group of NHS employees behind closed doors ignored test reports of a 1% Hepatitis C UK Prevalence and compute a probability that just 1,400 a year were infected here from 1980 to 1990 by the NHS.

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