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NHS Disasters

NHS Disasters

A 1.6% drop in infections of transfusion recipients occured when we stopped using prison blood in 1985. Some 6000 annual infections.
It's simple public knowledge that prison harvesting is cheap, we know a single van can harvest 25,000 donations a year. It took two years to replace the doners that supplied from prisons. The document below proves that it accounted for the bulk of infections of hepatitis c until it was withdrawn.
In essence it proves that one in seventy transfusions had a prison infected donation component.

Laboratory surveillance of hepatitis C virus infection in England and Wales: 1992 to 1996.
In 1993, a survey of people tested between 1990 and 1993 revealed that the prevalence of antibody was highest among recipients of blood or blood products (189/548 [34%]) and lower among other groups. In a survey of HCV tests performed in transfusion recipients in early 1995, the prevalence of antibody was higher in those transfused before 1985 2.6% than in those transfused after 1985 1.0%. 

The prevalence of hepatitis C in England and Wales.
The prevalence of HCV was highest in 1986 (1.07%)
CONCLUSIONS: The majority of HCV infections in England and Wales were probably acquired before 1986. Infections in younger males identified in 1996 may signify more recent acquisition by injecting drug use.

Until 1985 our blood was harvested from our prisons, a 1.07% positive means 600,000 people had Hepatitis Cv in 1986 and 0.93% in 1996 means 550,000 people had HCV in 1996. Yet we have been told from 1996-2017 only 220,000 are infected? The bulk of the extra infections are 350,000 healthcare infections from here and overseas.  The disaster of the infections is massively compounded by the disaster of simply lying about them for 22 years and constantly avoiding testing enough to see them silently to ever more damage to hundreds of thousands of innocent carriers. 

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